Sunday, March 1, 2009


This weekend was totally dedicated to getting healthy. I've been a bit ill lately and hopefully yesterday was the peak of it. But I'm proud to say that I've stayed away from all things sweet (except for fruits of course). With nothing to do but "heal" on saturday, I've decided to aggressively pick up French again. I've been saying this for years and now, I will finally follow through.

One of my best buddy and old roommate wants me to move back to NY to live with her. And it's always been in my future plans. But with the economy so screwed up right now, I'm not sure I can just pick up and leave LA, my job, my home, and my friends.

But we REALLY want to live together and we've always talked about being a bit reckless (since we're in our twenties), and move to Europe for a good amount of time and just live and play. And if we're going to wait for the economy to improve (which might take us into our thirties [let's be honest]), we are thinking grad school. That way, it's not just "playing recklessly," we would come back with degrees.

I think it's a BRILLIANT idea. I hope we really do follow through. So look out for us Europe, we might be coming (Fall 2010).

ciao bella


  1. i was planning to move to new york this year (last year) and the year before I was going to move last year. obviously this never happened. maybe we'll be there together sometime. also this time last year i was planning on moving to prague to teach english...

    maybe i'll follow through sometime?


  2. Can we do it together? Both.. NY and Europe?
