Friday, May 1, 2009


I just watched Priceless for the 2nd time this week! I love this movie! Audrey Tautou is fabulous, and so fricken hot! Terry and I were watching it on Netflix at work, while commenting through IM. (I guess we're not too busy this week). We would watch it together and pause together. It's fun. I love watching movies with her. Also, cause we love all the same movies.

The English trailer doesn't do it justice, so here is the blurry French trailer w/ English Subtitles.


  1. Audrey Tautou is such a great actress!

  2. Oh--have you seen The Valet with Gad Elmaleh? Cute film.

  3. I love audrey!! The movie only came out here with Japanese subtitles... So I had to mix my rusty French and fledgling Japanese reading skills to fully understand!!
