Thursday, January 29, 2009


Take this test to find out your personality type.


ESFPs radiate attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever, voluble, and open to the environment-this describes ESFPs who, like ESTPs, represent about 13 percent of the population. They are great fun to be with and are the most generous of all the types. Performer would be the word which best describes an ESFP.

ESFPs will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. ESFPs easily find company, for others are usually highly entertained by the presence of an ESFP. ESFPs love excitement and create it wherever they are. Their joy of living is contagious and generally they wear happy faces. Often outstanding conversationalists, their flowing banter is amusing in its wit. ESFPs have an air of sophistication and are likely to be dressed in the latest fashion, displaying an enjoyment of all good things of life: dress, food, physical comfort, and happy times. ESFPs create a mood of "eat, drink, and be marry" wherever they go, and around them life can have a continual party-like atmosphere of gaiety.

How generic would it be to have an online description of 13% of the population to describe myself.

So here it is in a nutshell.
I was born and raised in Southern California, currently residing in LA during the weekdays and commuting back to my suburban bubble on the weekends. I am trying to find my place in this adult working world of ours and the current economy is not making it easy. I know I want to do something with either movies, fashion or both.
I love my family and friends. I want to explore new thing, meet new people, and learn through experience, in hopes of stripping my sheltered suburban life in exchange for the city life my heart craves.
I am drawn to fun and and despite my desire for simple happiness, drama and i tend to stay close to one another. If it's been away for a while, it will creep up on me and say hello.
I am easily entertained. My biggest loves are movies and fashion. I also love crafting stuff for my friends.

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